Picture of Jürgen Kreileder

Rhythmbox 0.11.6 With New-Style Last.fm Scrobbler for Ubuntu Hardy and Intrepid

Better late than never… I’ve finally updated my last.fm plug-in for Rhythmbox. i386, amd64, and lpia packages are available for Hardy Heron and Intrepid Ibex.

Ubuntu Hardy user can get the package by adding

deb http://blog.blackdown.de/static/debian/rhythmbox/ hardy main
deb-src http://blog.blackdown.de/static/debian/rhythmbox/ hardy main

to /etc/apt/sources.list. Ubuntu Intrepid users should use

deb http://blog.blackdown.de/static/debian/rhythmbox/ intrepid main
deb-src http://blog.blackdown.de/static/debian/rhythmbox/ intrepid main

After adding those lines, you can install the package with:

$ aptitude update
$ aptitude install rhythmbox

The repositories are signed with my GPG key which can be imported into your apt keyring with

$ wget http://blog.blackdown.de/static/gpg.asc -O - | \
    sudo apt-key add -

Please remember to disable the old Last.fm plug-in before enabling mine (New Style Last.fm Scrobbler). Also please note that my plug-in requires the lastfm client to work correctly.

Read more about the plugin and get the source code at Last.fm for Rhythmbox – New Style.

This article Jürgen Kreileder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


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Max said

Hello, since the rhythmbox update from your site:

rhythmbox (0.11.6svn20081008-0ubuntu3jk2h) to 0.11.6svn20081008-0ubuntu4jk1h

my Magnatune plugin is broken.

It shows zero artists and albums.

Please fix this asap.


Max, I’ll take a look at it tonight.

Can you provide more info? It works fine for me (and there’s no change between 0ubuntu3jk2h and 0ubuntu4jk1h that would explain this problem).

Ash said


I’ve installed this but the last.fm client still has the “Now playing” link disabled and the tracks I play do not appear on the website.

I’m using the last.fm client that’s in the ubuntu repos version 1.5.1 and I’ve also disabled rhythmbox’s last.fm plugin.

What am I doing wrong?


Max said

@Juergen Kreileder:
Sorry for the turmoil, the next day it worked fine again. I was just to lazy to report back :D.

However I know have a reason to get back, and this is getting funny now, the Jamendo plugin seems broken now :D. This is still so with the lastest version from your repository.
It loads the database just fine but it doesnt display the songlist.
It continues do display the Jamendo info text and the status bar says 0 Songs.
If you need more info on this please email me. I’m from Germany as well.

Well, or probably better wait till I report back tomorrow, maybe it’ll seemingly magically disappear again :D. At least I hope so even though this is not the first day the Plugin didnt work :D.


Yup, try it again tomorrow :)
I just gave it a shot here, seems to work fine (at least on Intrepid).

Paul Johnson said

well it seems to be able to scrobble now. the only thing is that now it won’t play any music :(