Picture of Jürgen Kreileder

Rhythmbox 0.11.0 For Ubuntu Feisty Fawn

I have set up APT repositories for my new-style last.fm Rhythmbox plug-in for Ubuntu “Feisty Fawn” and “Gutsy Gibbon”.
A side effect is that there is a backport of 0.11.0 for Feisty now.

You can get it by adding

deb http://blog.blackdown.de/static/debian/rhythmbox/ feisty main
deb-src http://blog.blackdown.de/static/debian/rhythmbox/ feisty main

to /etc/apt/sources.list. If you are using Ubuntu Gutsy, just replace feisty with gutsy in these two lines.
Then upgrade/install rhythmbox:

$ aptitude update
$ aptitude install rhythmbox

The repository is signed with my GPG key. The key can be imported into your apt keyring with

$ wget http://blog.blackdown.de/static/gpg.asc -O - | \
    sudo apt-key add -

If you are going to use the Last.fm integration of Rhythmbox, make sure you only enable one of the two plug-ins! If you want to use the new-style plug-in, you need the lastfm client. The latest beta package for Ubuntu is available on the Last.fm beta forum.

This article Jürgen Kreileder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.


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Joris said

Why doesn’t your rhythmbox package use the new Tango-style icon? Only in the system tray the new icon is used…

Yes, I’ve noticed that too. I haven’t checked yet if the problem is with the upstream code or just the packaging code. Anyway, I’ll build new packages tomorrow.

Ah, it’s actually an upstream choice. They only use the new icon for the system tray yet. See the svn logs for data and subdirectories, as well as GNOME bug #380896.

Joris said

I wasn’t aware of that. A previous deb (from ubuntuforums) I installed had the new icon everywhere.

Mark said

This is excellent, thanks a lot!

caravena said

Note that the version from getdeb.net doesn’t have the new-style last.fm plugin.

Matt said

Maybe a stupid question, but is it possible that this will only work for a 32-bit system?

dejk said

how to install it on debian ??

dejk, maybe one of the Ubuntu packages works for you. If not, just use the deb-src line and build the package from source. Let me know if you need more help.

(Oh, the URL above is outdated. Please use ‘hardy’ instead of ‘feisty’)